Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dear babies

Dear Babies,

Congratulations, you've turned me into a cliche.  After seeing you two on ultrasound yesterday, I found myself writing an email in which I raved about the fact that one of you had hiccups and one of you opened and closed your mouth.  Yeah. I bragged about your involuntary movements. And I won't lie... I considered the possibility that these movements indicate that you are geniuses. The bar is set very low for you to impress me.  You're welcome.

[Your father, on the other hand, is already wondering when you're going to get jobs. He's been teaching the dog tricks to get on a Subway commercial for 2 years now, so don't think you're not going to be put to work pretty quickly.]

Baby girl, here's you opening your mouth and moving your hand towards your face. You.Are.Brilliant.

Baby boy, here's your long arm swatting your sister's face. You're not afraid to take what you want, and I admire that. But stop being a punk to your sister.

Another anomaly caused by your cuteness: I was walking down the smoggy streets of downtown Dallas yesterday, when I realized I was... wait for it... smiling. At no one in particular. I do not walk and smile.  Looking approachable invites people to actually approach you, and -- worse yet -- speak to you. I do not talk to strangers. Neither should you, babies, but for different reasons. But I couldn't help myself from smiling yesterday. You two have done me in with your cuteness.

Updates from the appointment:

  • Baby boy is 1 lb 2 oz, and baby girl is 1 lb 1 oz. Baby girl's lengths are average, and baby boy's arms and legs are long. Both of your parents have chicken legs, and your uncle has monkey arms, so I'm not surprised that you might be a little lanky.
  • Your circulatory and renal systems are working well. We could see that baby boy's bladder was full, which is good for some reason. It made me wonder where it empties into, and since you're both inside of me... yuck. I don't want to know. 
  • You guys are super active, even though I only feel a fraction of what you do. I should mention that the very first time I felt either of you move was during the Missouri-Kansas game on a Saturday night at approximately 20 weeks of pregnancy. It was a close game, with only 2 minutes left, and your dad was cursing emphatically pleading the Tigers to pull their heads out of their asses get it together, which I think had my blood pressure up, and one of you moved in a way that I felt. The Tigers then won the game, and your dad, by some superstitious invention, believes that you guys helped them win the game.
  • We looked further into the scheduled c-section versus vaginal delivery issue. Because there are two of you, c-section looks like the way to go. Or rather, I wasn't enticed by the doctor's phrasing of "unless you're passionate about a long, painful, vaginal twin delivery with possible complications." You had me at long and painful, doc. 
I'll take a picture of my silhouette before the belly's too exploded. We're on the verge of belly-button-popping-out, which is pretty sick, but I don't even care because I'm baking two genius babies.  

1 comment:

  1. I got a little misty when you talked about how they're brother and sister. It sounds dumb but I hadn't thought about that yet-- how they're siblings. I agree though that he needs to stop picking on his big/little sister.
