Wednesday, January 25, 2012

(Almost) 18 weeks

A pic from a week ago, when I was 16.5 weeks along (and thus saying I was 17 weeks):
I feel big but I'm told that I haven't seen anything yet. (awesome)

Some stats to keep up with through the pregnancy:

Weight: Gained 10 lbs. Doc said we're aiming for 35 total based on my height. I think he's being conservative, but I "didn't go to medical school" so I'll try to take his advice seriously.

Cravings: Fruit. I could eat watermelon all day. Know when it's tough to find good watermelon? January.

Sleep:  Fantastic. 8-9 hours a night. No problems falling or staying asleep. Love it.

Mood: Exuberant. Not even being sarcastic. The babies were dancing around during their anatomy scan yesterday, and they're totally healthy, and I'm on top of the world. (More on the anatomy scan later)

Dreams: Lots of vivid dreams. Last night I dreamed that Zach had stopped paying rent, and we were going to have to find another place to live (and this is why I oversee the automatic mortgage payments myself). Zach had a dream that he had gotten a job at a carwash in LA and was moving us to LA. Similar moving dreams. Babies = change = moving?
I hope the puppy dreams don't come back. Babycenter says dreams with small cute animals are good, but I don't think it's good when you're dreaming that you have puppies that you can't keep track of, and one always dies. Thanks for the vote of confidence, subconscious.

Movement: I don't feel any movement yet, which is weird considering how much we saw them moving yesterday. Looking forward to feeling something.

Babies: Baby A is 9 oz (91st percentile for growth!) and Baby B is 8 oz (87th percentile!) They're both "getting the groceries" as the doctor put it, so that's good. I can't remember what their positions were, but they'll keep changing positions as long as they have enough room to continue their acrobatics anyway.

Husband: He's doing very well and being really nice to me (Allyn: remember this later when you're tempted to be mad at him for something that's not his fault). If he's panicking, he's keeping it to himself.

Dog: He is panicking, and he is not keeping it to himself. He follows me everywhere and demands to be picked up and loved constantly. He'd probably stop if I'd stop, but I'm waiting for him to stop first, so we'll see where that gets us.

And that's 18 (almost, close enough) weeks!

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